Megan Doehring Coaching

I am a lifestyle transformation coach, which means I help my clients change the way they eat, balance their nutrition, work on mindset shifts dealing with health, drink more water, and move more.

I am a guide and accountability partner, and each client is looked at individually to best optimize the program.  I meet them where they’re at.


Many come to me wanting to lose weight and learn how to eat healthier. Healthy habits and lifestyle are important.  I can also partner with the ultra-sick who need injections as part of their doctor-prescribed weight loss. Nutrition is an important part as often they are eating less and with my support, I can help them get the needed nutrition in small meals, plus our education system, Habits of Health, for sustainability.

My program also helps athletes looking for Whey protein and EAA’s to preserve lean muscle and support post-exercise muscle recovery (many other benefits) as well as anyone who wants to decrease muscle loss as we age. I was a client of my program 6 years ago and loved this process so much that I did the work to become a coach so that I can help others find what I have found!

Yes, I lost the extra weight but past the “diet” part I gained more energy, I slept better, and of course, my clothes all fit better.  MOST importantly, I have the tools to keep the weight off and improve my overall health, I eat to sustain my health and energy to live an active lifestyle. This is what I offer my clients as well!

Megan Doehring is an Independent, Certified OPTAVIA Coach.

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