Alicia Green Photography


Some of the first photos I ever took were on my first trip to Paris when I was 15. I can still remember capturing the magical light of the city and wanting to capture the feeling of experiencing a new place through photos. Since that trip I have explored the world through my camera, taking photos at events, concerts, eating, walking in nature, and while traveling. From my love of painting and photography, I went to Northeastern University’s College of Art & Design where I graduated with a BFA in graphic design and minors in digital art (photography) and art history.

As a manifesting generator who thrives on having my hands in different projects, I have freelanced in many capacities as a graphic designer, photographer, and creative. With my background in design, copywriting, and photography combined with my Functional Medicine Coaching training I offer a unique approach to crafting the perfect brand strategy, website, mindset, and work-life balance for your business.


I have a baby girl named Talia and she’s my best bud.

I also have a fur baby named Rosie — she’s a weirdo.

I have a thriving vegetable garden but can’t seem to keep house plants alive.

I am a book hoarder and can never read one thing at a time.

My human design is a 6/2 Manifesting Generator.

I’ve eaten gluten-free for 4 years after an autoimmune diagnosis.

I love to collect vintage and antiques.

“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.”

— Ansel Adams

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